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霸王娱乐网 2022-07-19 16:07:10


First, I thank you very much indeed for this interview. I have some questions to ask you and please tell me your opinions on them.

Question: Can you first introduce yourself in brief?(你能简单地介绍一下自己吗?)

Rickard: My name is Rickard Cedervall, I am 28 years old and was born a raised in a city in the northern part of Sweden. The rest of my family lives in Sweden (my mother, father and two younger sisters), so I do not have any relatives in China.My educational degree is “Master of science in engineering with a major of energy engineering” and I did my master thesis in Tsinghua University in Beijing. 我叫Rickard Cedervall,出生在瑞典北部的一个城市,今年28岁。我的妈妈、爸爸和两个妹妹都生活在瑞典,所以我在中国没有什么亲戚。我的学位是能源工程硕士,我是在清华大学完成我的硕士论文的

Question: How long are you in the OceanPower Company?

Rickard: I started working in Oceanpower on March 17th, 2004, so I have been here for 2 years.我是2004年3月17号来海川工作的,所以我现在在海川工作2年了。

Question: Why do you like to come in Chinese Company?

Rickard: China is a country with a long history and a promising future, so to be able to take part in the possibilities and benefits that may arise; I thought it was a good idea to start working in China for a Chinese company. Also in a more general view I like china and Shenzhen and also would like to stay here.中国是一个拥有悠久历史而且又非常有前途的国家,我认为我投身到这个充满机遇和发展的国家里来是一个非常明智的决定,所以我选择一家中国公司工作。而且我非常喜欢中国的深圳当然也非常喜欢在这里生活。

Question: What do you think about OceanPower Company?

Rickard: Oceanpower is a company that is involved in many different business areas and therefore it is a company were you may be able to develop, both as a person as well as when it come to your working position.海川公司投身于很多不同商业领域的公司,所以你在这样的公司可以得到很好的发展,包括你自身的发展和进步以及你的工作职位的发展进步。

Question: Do you think it is an excellent company?

Rickard: I think it is a company of great potential. 她是一个很有发展潜力的公司。

Question: What is your most important getting during these days working in OceanPower Company?

Rickard: That I have been given a chance to become involved in the international business development and market. To be able to take part in trade fairs, conferences and meetings both within China and abroad is what has given me my greatest impression and experience.我在海川得到了很多发展机会,现在是投身于开发公司国际市场业务。所以我也有机会参加多种贸易活动、商业会议,这其中不仅和中国人交道也和很多外国人合作。这样的工作极大的丰富了我的人生阅历。





